NEW! Practical Math for ATS
Increase Productivity
Reduce Waste and Costly Errors
Train During Down or Slow Time – 24/7
Adults who Struggle or Hate Math are Successful and Amazed at How Easy Practical Math Really is When Properly Taught.
No Theories to Learn.

“Why didn’t they teach it this way in school? It’s easy!” – Maintenance Worker at Lehigh Cement.
No Pencil and Paper Calculations.
Self-Paced Videos so Staff can Go at Their Own Rate.
Makes it Easier to Troubleshoot Maintenance Problems.
Makes Additional Technical Training More Effective.
Makes it Easier to Read Vendor Documentation.
Three Programs to Choose From Depending on How Much Your Staff Wants/Needs to Learn… See Program Descriptions Below.
To Enroll Your Staff, Please Contact:
Gary Carwell: or (309) 693-4000
View the Employee Informational Web Page!
Basic Math for Industry: 24 online lessons
Learn to use the TI 30XA Scientific Calculator to do all your calculations. Plus, what you need to know about the basic math of calculations for maintenance problems.
- 13 Calculator lessons
- 11 Pre-Algebra lessons
Intermediate Math for Industry: 52 online lessons (includes Basic Math Lessons)
Learn intermediate algebra and geometry techniques allowing you to solve most maintenance problems quickly and accurately!
- 13 Calculator lessons
- 11 Pre-Algebra lessons
- 9 Algebra lessons
- 13 Geometry lessons
- 6 Special Topics
Advanced Math for Industry: 76 online lessons (includes Basic & Intermediate Math Lessons)
For the maintenance expert who wants to solve more involved or difficult problems.
- 17 Calculator lessons
- 11 Pre-Algebra lessons
- 11 Algebra lessons
- 19 Geometry lessons
- 9 Trigonometry lessons
- 9 Special Topics lessons
Courses includes: Online instructional videos, online quizzes, and PDF Notebook with practice problems, exercises and answers. You also get access to a Forum to get answers to any math questions you have.
To Enroll Your Staff, Please Contact:
Gary Carwell: or (309) 693-4000
This is the sequence in which the lessons will be delivered:
BASIC – Using a Scientific Calculator:
- CI: Introduction (5 Min.)
- C1: Basic Operations (6 Min.)
- C2: Real Numbers (6 Min.)
- C3: Negative Numbers (6 Min.)
- C4: Multiplication, Division and Percentage (7 Min.)
- C5: Percentage (3 Min.)
- C6: Using Memory (7 Min.)
- C7: Squares (3 Min.)
- C8: Square Roots (5 Min.)
- C9: Reciprocals (6 Min.)
- C10: Fractions (6 Min.)
- C11: Proper & Improper Fractions (6 Min.)
- C12: Converting Fractions to Decimals (6 Min.)
BASIC – Pre-Algebra:
- PI: Introduction (3 Min.)
- P1: Real Numbers, Integers & Rationals (5 Min.)
- P2: The Number Line & Negative Numbers (8 Min.)
- P3: Rules of Addition (10 Min.)
- P4: Rules of Multiplication (11 Min.)
- P5: Distributive Law (7 Min.)
- P6: Fractions (6 Min.)
- P7: Squares (5 Min.)
- P8: Square Roots (7 Min.)
- P9: Reciprocals (5 Min.)
- P10: Exponents (15 Min.)
- AI: Introduction (7 Min.)
- A1: Four Ways to Solve an Algebra Equation (5 Min.)
- A2: The Rule of Algebra (8 Min.)
- A3: X + A = B (9 Min.)
- A4: AX = B (6 Min.)
- A5: AX + B = CS + D (11 Min.)
- A6: A/X = B/C (8 Min.)
- A7: X squared = A (5 Min.)
- A8: Square Root of X = A (5 Min.)
- G1: What is Geometry? (9 Min.)
- G2: Straight Lines and Angles (8 Min.)
- G3: Parallel Lines (19 Min.)
- G4: Triangle Basics and the Sum of Angles (11 Min.)
- G5: Right Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem (12 Min.)
- G6: Similar Triangles (12 Min.)
- G7: Quadrilaterals, Polygons and Perimeters (14 Min.)
- G8: Area of Triangles and Rectangles (18 Min.)
- G9: Formulas for Polygons (11 Min.)
- G10: Circles and Circumferences (13 Min.)
- G11: Circles and Areas (13 Min.)
- G13: Surface Areas of Blocks and Cylinders (9 Min.)
- G15: Volumes of Blocks and Cylinders (7 Min.)
INTERMEDIATE – Special Topics:
- MS1: Units Conversions (14 Min.)
- MS2: DMS vs. Decimal, Degrees (13 Min.)
- MS3: Exponents (14 Min.)
- MS4: Density and Weight (14 Min.)
- MS5: FLO SCI ENG Formats (12 Min.)
- MS5A: FLO SCI ENG Addendum (7 Min.)
To Enroll Your Staff, Please Contact:
Gary Carwell: or (309) 693-4000
ADVANCED – Using a Scientific Calculator:
- C13: Trigonometry Operations (6 Min.)
- C14: Using Sine (6 Min.)
- C15: Using Cosine (6 Min.)
- C16: Using Tangent (6 Min.)
ADVANCED – Algebra:
- A9: SIN X = A (11 Min.)
- A10: COS X = A (8 Min.)
ADVANCED – Geometry:
- G12: Circles and Special Properties (10 Min.)
- G14: Surface Areas of Cones (7 Min.)
- G16: Volumes of Cones (7 Min.)
- G17: Surface Areas of Spheres and Balls (7 Min.)
- G18: Archimedes Tombstone, Sphere Area and Volume (12 Min.)
- G19: When Geometry is not enough for Triangles (7 Min.)
ADVANCED – Trigonometry:
- TI: Introduction (6Min.)
- T1: Trigonometry Functions (16 Min.)
- T2: Sines (20 Min.)
- T3: Cosines (18 Min.)
- T4: Tangents (9 Min.)
- T5: Warning about SIN-1 (9 Min.)
- T6: Law of Sines (12 Min.)
- T7: Law of Cosines and the generalized Pythagorean Theorem (14 Min.)
- T8: Trigonometry beyond Practical Math (5 Min.)
ADVANCED – Special Topics:
- MS6: Prefixes (14 Min.)
- MS7: Technician’s Triangle (14 Min.)
- MS8: Polar Rectangular Coordinates (14 Min.)