NEW! Practical Math for ATS
Not Your Typical Math Course….
A Hands-on Approach that Gives You Control
Easily Learn Only Practical Math that You Can Use on the Job or at Home!
No Theories to Learn.
No Pencil and Paper Calculations.
Self-Paced Videos so You can Go at Your Own Rate.
Available 24/7 so You Can Train During Down or Slow Time.
Makes Additional Technical Training Easier to Understand.
Makes it Easier to Read Vendor Documentation.
Makes it Easier to Troubleshoot Maintenance Problems:
- How long should a pipe, wire, or board be?
- What is the size or weight of an object?
- How much area?
- What is the volume?
- How heavy is it?
- What angle should it be?
- How many widgets do we need to order?
- How much can I safely load?
- How can I easily and quickly do the calculations with a calculator, and then check my work?
- How can I easily deal with fractions?
Three Programs to Choose From Depending on How Much You Want/Need to Learn… See Program Descriptions Below.
To Enroll, Please Contact Your Supervisor.
Basic Math for Industry: 24 online lessons
Learn to use the TI 30XA Scientific Calculator to do all your calculations. Plus, what you need to know about the basic math of calculations for maintenance problems.
- 13 Calculator lessons
- 11 Pre-Algebra lessons
Intermediate Math for Industry: 52 online lessons (includes Basic Math Lessons)
Learn intermediate algebra and geometry techniques allowing you to solve most maintenance problems quickly and accurately!
- 13 Calculator lessons
- 11 Pre-Algebra lessons
- 9 Algebra lessons
- 13 Geometry lessons
- 6 Special Topics
Advanced Math for Industry: 76 online lessons (includes Basic & Intermediate Math Lessons)
For the maintenance expert who wants to solve more involved or difficult problems.
- 17 Calculator lessons
- 11 Pre-Algebra lessons
- 11 Algebra lessons
- 19 Geometry lessons
- 9 Trigonometry lessons
- 9 Special Topics lessons
Courses includes: Online instructional videos, online quizzes, and PDF Notebook with practice problems, exercises and answers. You also get access to a Forum to get answers to any math questions you have.
To Enroll, Please Contact Your Supervisor.
This is the sequence in which the lessons will be delivered:
BASIC – Using a Scientific Calculator:
- CI: Introduction (5 Min.)
- C1: Basic Operations (6 Min.)
- C2: Real Numbers (6 Min.)
- C3: Negative Numbers (6 Min.)
- C4: Multiplication, Division and Percentage (7 Min.)
- C5: Percentage (3 Min.)
- C6: Using Memory (7 Min.)
- C7: Squares (3 Min.)
- C8: Square Roots (5 Min.)
- C9: Reciprocals (6 Min.)
- C10: Fractions (6 Min.)
- C11: Proper & Improper Fractions (6 Min.)
- C12: Converting Fractions to Decimals (6 Min.)
BASIC – Pre-Algebra:
- PI: Introduction (3 Min.)
- P1: Real Numbers, Integers & Rationals (5 Min.)
- P2: The Number Line & Negative Numbers (8 Min.)
- P3: Rules of Addition (10 Min.)
- P4: Rules of Multiplication (11 Min.)
- P5: Distributive Law (7 Min.)
- P6: Fractions (6 Min.)
- P7: Squares (5 Min.)
- P8: Square Roots (7 Min.)
- P9: Reciprocals (5 Min.)
- P10: Exponents (15 Min.)
- AI: Introduction (7 Min.)
- A1: Four Ways to Solve an Algebra Equation (5 Min.)
- A2: The Rule of Algebra (8 Min.)
- A3: X + A = B (9 Min.)
- A4: AX = B (6 Min.)
- A5: AX + B = CS + D (11 Min.)
- A6: A/X = B/C (8 Min.)
- A7: X squared = A (5 Min.)
- A8: Square Root of X = A (5 Min.)
- G1: What is Geometry? (9 Min.)
- G2: Straight Lines and Angles (8 Min.)
- G3: Parallel Lines (19 Min.)
- G4: Triangle Basics and the Sum of Angles (11 Min.)
- G5: Right Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem (12 Min.)
- G6: Similar Triangles (12 Min.)
- G7: Quadrilaterals, Polygons and Perimeters (14 Min.)
- G8: Area of Triangles and Rectangles (18 Min.)
- G9: Formulas for Polygons (11 Min.)
- G10: Circles and Circumferences (13 Min.)
- G11: Circles and Areas (13 Min.)
- G13: Surface Areas of Blocks and Cylinders (9 Min.)
- G15: Volumes of Blocks and Cylinders (7 Min.)
INTERMEDIATE – Special Topics:
- MS1: Units Conversions (14 Min.)
- MS2: DMS vs. Decimal, Degrees (13 Min.)
- MS3: Exponents (14 Min.)
- MS4: Density and Weight (14 Min.)
- MS5: FLO SCI ENG Formats (12 Min.)
- MS5A: FLO SCI ENG Addendum (7 Min.)
To Enroll, Please Contact Your Supervisor.
ADVANCED – Using a Scientific Calculator:
- C13: Trigonometry Operations (6 Min.)
- C14: Using Sine (6 Min.)
- C15: Using Cosine (6 Min.)
- C16: Using Tangent (6 Min.)
ADVANCED – Algebra:
- A9: SIN X = A (11 Min.)
- A10: COS X = A (8 Min.)
ADVANCED – Geometry:
- G12: Circles and Special Properties (10 Min.)
- G14: Surface Areas of Cones (7 Min.)
- G16: Volumes of Cones (7 Min.)
- G17: Surface Areas of Spheres and Balls (7 Min.)
- G18: Archimedes Tombstone, Sphere Area and Volume (12 Min.)
- G19: When Geometry is not enough for Triangles (7 Min.)
ADVANCED – Trigonometry:
- TI: Introduction (6Min.)
- T1: Trigonometry Functions (16 Min.)
- T2: Sines (20 Min.)
- T3: Cosines (18 Min.)
- T4: Tangents (9 Min.)
- T5: Warning about SIN-1 (9 Min.)
- T6: Law of Sines (12 Min.)
- T7: Law of Cosines and the generalized Pythagorean Theorem (14 Min.)
- T8: Trigonometry beyond Practical Math (5 Min.)
ADVANCED – Special Topics:
- MS6: Prefixes (14 Min.)
- MS7: Technician’s Triangle (14 Min.)
- MS8: Polar Rectangular Coordinates (14 Min.)
To Enroll, Please Contact Your Supervisor.