“Any adult can participate successfully in the modern technical workforce to the benefit of everyone – the adult – the company – the economy, IF the Barrier of Math is Overcome.”
1. An understanding of Practical Mathematics results in self-confidence and the ability to understand training and documentation in myriad technical subjects required for many modern technical workforce jobs.
2. Virtually any adult can learn and understand Practical Mathematics IF the Proper Content is taught with modern effective Pedagogy in about 50 +/- 20 Hours of self-paced time.
3. Triad Math, Inc. offers a Practical Mathematics Program designed specifically for Adults preparing for the modern technical workforce. This Program’s features:
a. Delivered via the Internet 24/7/365 anywhere.
b. Consists of 76 Lessons delivered by former Rose Hulman Mathematics Professor, Craig Hane, via on-line videos with exercises, on-line quizzes, and a Forum.
c. First, the student is taught how to do all arithmetic calculations with a $10 scientific calculator, the TI30Xa, a wonderful modern tool.
d. Second, the student is taught Pre-algebra, which is of all of the rules of arithmetic.
e. Third, the student is taught Practical Algebra necessary for technical subjects, but NOT many of the unnecessary algebra topics usually taught in high school.
f. Fourth, the student is taught Practical Geometry necessary for technical subjects, but NOT many of the unnecessary “proofs” and topics taught in high school.
g. Fifth, the student is taught Practical Trigonometry, which is simply an extension of Algebra and Geometry for understanding triangles and angles necessary for many technical subjects, and actually very easy with the modern tool, the TI30Xa.
4. Triad Math’s Practical Math Program includes a Forum where the student can ask any math question he or she wants to anytime and receive an answer within one working day.
5. Triad Math’s Practical Math Program is available to the student for on-going review and practice for at least one year which is very important for long term retention.
6. Triad Math’s Practical Math Program costs a student $397, is self paced and available to the student for at least one year, although most students complete it in less than two months. Most students can complete it in about two weeks if they work two or three hours per day in several sessions spread over the whole day. They are taught to study in both Focused and Diffuse Modes which is the best way to learn math.
7. Triad Math’s Practical Math Program is unique. There is nothing like it anywhere. Triad Math’s Practical Math Program is guaranteed successful for each student, or it costs nothing.
8. Adults who struggled with, and perhaps hated, math in school are successful, and amazed at how easy properly taught Practical Math really is.
9. Group Discounts are available.