This will be for any students who are wanting to enter the workforce or military or tech school right after high school, and SUCCEED.
This is especially for students who have struggled, or even failed, at math so far in middle or high school.
If you can play any kind of complicated game or sport, then YOU CAN learn Workforce Math, quickly and easily. Believe it or not!
Within just about 60 Hours of pretty Fun Time virtually any student can learn the Proper Math Topics for the modern Workforce, and know more Math than 95% of USA citizens.
Scientific Calculator tools, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Special Topics.
There will be ten levels a team member can attain and Two different Certifications available.
We will have onsite meetings from time to time, but most of the training will be online with your Chromebooks.
Visit to learn what you will learn. Or, watch: